Workbridge Training Support
Training Support is financial support for a person with a disability undergoing a period of assessment, work experience, training or education as part of their plan to gain open employment.
It may be used: for the provision of a support person to enable the applicant to attend and continue a training course, or undertake work experience or education, to pay transport costs not covered by a Work and Income Disability Allowance or Training Incentive Allowance, to pay for special equipment which is not covered by other funding sources, to pay for New Zealand Sign Language interpreters.
Application Form for work experience - accessible version
Application Form for work experience
Workbridge Job Support
Job Support helps people moving into employment as well as assisting people who are in employment to stay in their jobs when they have an onset of a disability or a worsening condition.
Job Support funding is available for, but not limited to: Workplace assessments to establish the level of workplace support required modifications to a workplace, job coaching (generally short-term), purchase of additional work related physical support, NZ Sign Language interpreter services, a support person, productivity allowances, induction training and disability awareness training for colleagues
Work and Income Modification Grant
Modification Grant is a payment which helps people with disabilities pay for workplace changes or equipment that makes it easier for them to stay in or get work.
The Modification Grant pays for things like: Ramps and handrails, visual aids, computer equipment or other changes in your workplace.