Occupational Therapists specialise in observing and assessing the environment, task requirements and persons needs. This helps us to problem solve the best approach or options to maximise a persons independence, safety and enjoyment of what they want to do in their daily lives.
Note: This is a specialist area of Occupational Therapy practice which for the most part would be provided by your local DHB, but if you wish to proceed privately (not through the public health system) or are receiving funding from another source we are able to complete the assessments and make recommendations for you. We can apply for funding for equipment and housing modifications through the Ministry of Health (Whaikaha) if eligibility criteria is met.
For more information please visit: https://www.disabilityfunding....

Equipment Assessments
Specialist equipment can maximise a client's independence, safety, comfort and prevent their caregivers from getting injured or burnt out. If you are struggling with managing day to day tasks at home then an Occupational Therapy assessment would be a great place to start, then let's work together to determine the best solution for you.
Examples of equipment could be: positioning support for bathing or sleeping, specialised seating or a hoist for helping with lifting.
Disability Funding Information - Equipment: https://www.disabilityfunding....
Assessment Costs
$160 per hour Initial Assessment/ home visit
$140 per hour on site or attending relevant meetings
$140 per hour for paperwork, plans, admin, project management
$100 per hour for travel

Housing Modification Assessments
Would a specialist adaptation to your home create a safer environment, or enable more independance?
Modifications may be recommended when completing them could increase safety, increase independence and allow for easier completion of day to day tasks.
For example, a ramped entrance, level access shower, wider doorways, or safety changes like reinforced walls or windows.
Part of the initial assessment discussion will include how much support you require. A housing assessment can include all or some of these steps:
Housing assessment
Proposal sketches
Advice on consented vs non-consented work
Project Management
Liaising with an architect or drafts person
Support with getting a consent through Council
Engaging a builder and sub trades
Sign off of project through to completion
Disability Funding Information - Housing: https://www.disabilityfunding....
Ministry of Health Funding criteria
We are able to complete applications for Ministry of Health funding for essential housing modifications and equipment needs.
Feel free to send us a message to find out if you meet criteria for a funding application!
You may be eligible for Ministry of Health funding for housing modifications if: You or your child have a disability that will last over six months and result in a reduction of independent function to the extent that ongoing support is required & you are not an ACC claimant (for that disability)
Housing modifications can only be provided if an EMS Assessor has identified that the modification is essential for you to: Have mobility into and within the home, remain in or return to your home or, be the primary carer of dependent children.
Equipment: You may be eligible for Ministry of Health funding for specialised equipment if:
You or your child have a disability that will last over six months and result in a reduction of independent function to the extent that ongoing support is required & you are not an ACC claimant (for that disability).
Equipment can only be provided if an EMS Assessor has identified that equipment is essential for you to: Get around more safely in your home, remain in, return to, your home, communicate effectively, study full-time or do vocational training, work full-time, work as a volunteer, or be the main carer of a dependent person.